meditating, thinking about – I think some of us do a lot of that, especially as
we age.
2 Timothy 2:7(NIV) Paul says to Timothy, “Reflect on what I am saying, for
the Lord will give your insight into all this.”
If I reflect – look
at what the Bible is saying, I believe that God will speak to me through it, as He did for
Meditating is a part
of reflecting - part
of the dictionary definition of reflecting is “Consideration
and evaluation of some subject matter.” That’s basically meditating. Really thinking about something, picking it
apart, analyzing it and having it become a part of you.
In Joshua 1:8 (NIV) we read Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.
In Joshua 1:8 (NIV) we read Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.
Joshua was saying that the people must
consider, reflect, meditate on Moses’ teachings – not just to know them, but so
that they would be able to do what was instructed by God.
read something recently that said, “Our brains keep on learning, even when
we’re not aware of it.” So maybe there’s hope for us after all.
You may relate to Psalm 119:148 (NIV) where
David says,
My eyes stay open
through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises.
Now that’s interesting. I know my eyes sometimes stay open, but am I
meditating on God’s promises? I should
be. Do you ever think about a scripture
when you can’t go to sleep? It’s
calming, but mostly it’s calming to know that God is awake with you.
I love reading quotes by little kids – I read
this letter to God the other day.
Christopher wrote
Dear God, who’s in
charge when you are off duty?
It’s cute, only because we know God is never
off duty. In the late watches of the
night, when we’re tired and hurting and can’t go to sleep, when we wake in the
morning, on weekdays, on weekends – God is never off duty. So, we can talk to Him and meditate on the
answers in His book.
I loved this letter to God from Elliott.
Dear God, I think about You sometimes even when I'm not praying.
Friends aren’t
friends only when they make an appointment to visit, they are friends
always. God is our best friend - let’s
think about Him – let’s reflect on Him - even when we don’t have our eyes
closed, and our hands folded to pray – even when we’re not talking to Him.
To reflect on God
is to think about Him, to meditate on Him, and to make Him a part of our every
moment because He’s right there – every moment.
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