What if a moving song was sung by a less than splendid singer? If her voice cracked a bit on the high notes and there were a few fumbles for words, what if I couldn’t look past the delivery to be moved by the message? I would never know what was in the heart of the song writer. I might miss something that could be of great comfort or inspiration to me.
What if I met a person of great wisdom, but would not listen to his sage advice because he appeared to be somehow very different from me, or if he was a bit intimidating? I would never hear or learn what God had in mind for me to heed.
If we look out the window and think – “that’s a dirty window pane,” we’ll never really consider what’s on the outside. If we look at a rose and worry about the prickly thorns, we’ll never be able to smell the beautiful fragrance.
Looking beyond the glass, looking beyond the messenger, looking beyond the comfortable, all of these things make life an adventure.
Let’s start this new year by looking beyond the window panes, and see what exciting things God has planned for us.
Look beyond the window glass.
Yes, look beyond the pane.
Look beyond perfection’s loss, you’ll see what’s there to gain.
Look beyond the prickly thorn and smell the crimson rose.
Look beyond the differences.
Watch as excitement grows.
Love, Diane
Thank you for such an eye opening post. Sometimes I guess I forget to look beyond, and end up missing all the beauty there is in my life.