Rest – skip a beat, wait a minute, sit down, take a breath,
take a break, ease up, let go.
Have you ever – (I know you have) been climbing a hill,
walking a path, cleaning, cooking, building, raking leaves – and at one point
you just need a rest?
How do you know when that time comes? Some of us do know and are willing to put
down our tools or our walking sticks and stop what we’re doing, but some of us don’t.
And for those people, it takes something out of their control to force it
on them. Maybe, age?
Some of us know - on a physical level when it’s time to sit
down, but do we know the need to rest on an emotional level? Do we know when it’s time to take a breath?
The other morning, I woke early – been doing a lot of that
lately, and my mind was in a turmoil, wondering, yes worrying, about the dental
appointment I had scheduled for that day.
I badly needed a tooth that had broken off, pulled and was struggling
with that problem. I was worried that not pulling it would cause other
problems – there was a lot of decay in the roots.

Boy I was really worrying myself into an emotional
turmoil. Bet you’ve probably done that
That’s when I got up, took my blanket into the living room
and sat down to read and give my worries a rest! I wanted to focus on something else.
I picked up the book – my current favorite, “God Still
Moves Stones”, by Max Lucado, and began at a new chapter. Mr. Lucado uses scripture abundantly and God
always speaks to my heart with this man’s words.
Funny thing --- although the chapter had nothing whatever
to do with pulling teeth, or even worry, I felt relieved.
It was a rest – a break, a laying down of the burden, and I
believe God was pleased.
Sometimes we think that a formal prayer, asking God to take
away the worry or pain, or problem is the only way for God to work. But, as I read, I felt less bothered.
I wonder if one really good way to release those
troublesome thoughts is only to focus on
God, focus on his nature, be with Him and, yes, rest in HIM.
I chose not to follow my thoughts about the situation -- and
that’s not bad. The current trend is to
say we need to voice or vent our thoughts and worries. They say it’s unhealthy to hold it in. But giving your thoughts over to God’s word
is not holding it in, it’s more like handing it over, laying it down. (although, if you’re like me, you’ll most
likely pick it up again at some time.)
But for now it was time to rest.
There’s a musical application to this that I thought of
that morning. What if our songs and
melodies never had a rest?
We’d have long notes and short notes, but never time to
take a breath, never a chance for the music to seep in, never a chance to
really feel it. The sound coming from
the instrument or voice might even be beautiful, but I don’t think it would
impact your heart.
Sometimes we need a rest, and that rest can always be found in the presence of the One who rested on the 7th day, the one who hears our struggles and always hears our hearts. We can always find rest in His loving arms. So when we look at Him and listen to what He has to say about anything, we can find rest in Him.
Matthew 11:29 (NIV)- Take my yoke upon
you and learn from me, for I
am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
"Take my yoke," Jesus said, He meant - take my teaching, be like me, and then learn from Me. That’s where we'll find our rest.