Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Quiet Resting Place

This old world is often noisy and confusing 
and I search to find a quiet resting place.

Then sometimes 
in my pain 
or in my sorrow
I seek a way to touch my father’s face.

In the stillness of the night I hear him calling.
In the softness of the morn he’s still the same.
In the solitary place I find him waiting
for my heart to call upon his name.

When I come into the lonely place of meeting
then, in His words, God’s love and grace I see.

When I say, “please make your will be done in my life,”
comfort floats from God’s great heart to me.

He’s there in our lonely places.  
He’s there in our busy places.  
He’s there in our solitary places.  
He’s there, if we seek Him.