"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani."
From a bloody Roman cross
came this tearful lonesome cry.
"My God, My God
why have you forsaken me?"
were the woeful words from that cursed tree.
As that cry rang out on Calvary's knoll
the Father heard and it broke His heart
because of His love for that pain wracked soul.
He could have stopped it
He could have eased the suffering.
He could have held that soul in His arms
protecting Him from this terrible harm.
What if Jesus had felt His Father there
easing the burden - the sin he had to bear?
No, 'cause that wouldn't have paid the price that was due,
the price of salvation for me and for you.
The only price
that could save the lost
was the separation of God on the cross
from God in his heaven, the Father and Son,
to be torn from each other - a tearing of one.
That day on the earth
the darkness that reigned
came not from the soldiers
came not from the pain.
It came from God's heart
tearing in two
hurting much more than any should do.
God loved us so much, that He broke His own heart,
tearing the Son on the cross and the Father apart.
The price that was due
as God hung on the cross
paying the ransom for you.
from God in his heaven, the Father and Son,
to be torn from each other - a tearing of one.
That day on the earth
the darkness that reigned
came not from the soldiers
came not from the pain.
It came from God's heart
tearing in two
hurting much more than any should do.
God loved us so much, that He broke His own heart,
tearing the Son on the cross and the Father apart.
The price that was due
as God hung on the cross
paying the ransom for you.
© Diane Gruchow 2010